Sleep Hygiene

Read any research or article on sleep and you will hear the term. Go to a podcast or an in-person lecture on sleep and you will hear the term. SLEEP HYGIENE. What is it?

The actionable items to assist in obtaining a better sleep experience make up the elements referred to as SLEEP HYGIENE. The action items have been shown by research to aid in a better sleep. Sleep is the restorative opportunity for all functions of the body. Your physical body and mind will gain replenished cells, rebuilt tissue and restored energy. Sleep hygiene can provide you with a process, new habits, to assist in achieving your best sleep.

Following is a list of items to consider in your sleep process:

Sleep in a bed - begin to identify the bed as THEE place for your sleep. Sleeping in a recliner or a couch can occur occasionally; however, this is not the preferred use of those items.

Regularly wash pillow cases and sheets - this is one I heavily emphasis with our student-athletes at Butler University. It always gets a response when I ask the question; “when was the last time you washed your sheets?”

Room temperature 65 to 68 degrees (F). Research has provided evidence that the thermal environment is one of the most important factors that can affect human sleep.

Dark environment. The circadian rhythm is regulated by light and darkness. Falling asleep in a dark environment is more conducive to gaining the full effects of high quality sleep.

Noise should be absent or low decibel and consistent. A sound machine is often utilized to drown out surrounding, inconsistent noise of air traffic, railways, sirens. A sound machine is also helpful for travel as limited noise or new noises can disturb the progression to deep sleep.

Consider these additional points of activation:

Set a ‘Go to Bed’ alarm. Set a regular routine of preparation for sleep.

Bright Light upon waking will assist the circadian rhythm. I recommend to our student-athletes at Butler to get bright lights upon waking by using the bathroom lights. As roommates are on differing schedules and they rise before the sun, bright fixture lighting can jump start the circadian process.

We are just 20 years into research on the value of sleep for sport. The evidence from research is becoming more abundant and the study of high performance and sleep is a focus for many scholars. This is an emerging field and the awareness of sleep hygiene is a new phrase of value.

Be Well. @RVReiff


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